Who Me?

You know how you get when you've repeated something a few times...you start thinking how can I make this more interesting...have a new angle on old news?

That's what I think each time I write an 'about me' page...actually I wonder why anyone would want to know much about me. But then again, when I find a new anything that I love...I wanna know more about who's responsible for the nonsense, or the Awesome Sauce.

So here's me in a few seconds:

Navy Chief Spouse (4 years, 7 months, 3 days till retirement... whaaa hooo)
Mom to A&W ages 3 and 5...soon to be 4 and 6...Ashley the 4-legged Goldedore
Founder and Designer for Stick Me Designs
Call Virginia Beach home
Intense love for gummi bears (hi Haribo), Twizzlers, and newly fiend of indulgent cupcakes...
Drive a 2010 ABM Camaro, 6 speed, manual. I only tell you that because I think it gives you an insight as to what makes me tick...Love speed, creativity, and the freedom to express it how I see fit.

..Welp that pretty much sums it up...Any questions?