Sunday, March 27, 2011

the sea is full of component B&W designers...

Buyer beware! If you do a search right now, this very second for handcrafted jewelry what you'll see is thousands upon thousands of wire and beads strewn together in some shape or 'fashion' to resemble jewelry. Some is worthy to be called artistry work, and some well just isn't. What makes handcrafted jewelry so ever present is the fact that to get started can take less than $20.

Any person now can run to Michaels or Jo Annes and start putting beads onto a wire or string, through a clasp on it an viola...'handcrafted jewelry'. To say the industry is saturated is like saying there are trees in a park.

So I being a self-proclaimed jewelry designer, but cringe at the site of 'beads & wire' have decided that I have a passion for creating jewelry that sparks a feeling. Jewelry that is aesthetically pleasing and more than just BW (beads & wire).

But here's the deal, I realize that there are also a sea of other designers and artists out there, who's jewelry art deserves praise, and recognition. Jewelry that dazzles, sparkles and's this kind of jewelry that I'd like to share with you and showcase.

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